SIR Project closure

Achievement of project-wide objectives and final results

SIR project results:

Each person who used the services carried out within the project benefited from:

  • initial assessment;
  • approach focused on individual capacities and desires;
  • personalised intervention plan, which actively involved the beneficiary of services and his family;
  • the intervention of a multidisciplinary teams (education, employment, health, social assistance), coordinated by a case manager.

We have developed:

  • a Guide (in easy-to-read and understand format) for accessing goods, services and benefits that benefited 300 Roma people;
  • a Documentary film and a Guide of good practice that benefited the employees of 300 city halls in Constanta and Calarasi counties.

We have developed and delivered:

  • first aid, anti-discrimination, community facilitation courses dedicated to the inhabitants of the two communities;
  • a training programme on the development of the skills of specialists/volunteers from public institutions in recognising and combating discrimination against the Roma population.

We have developed support groups for young Roma women in Medgidia and Gălbinaşi.

... and in terms of achieved indicators:



Roma have acquired
identity documents



Roma benefited from empowerment measures



Professionals trained in working with Roma people



Roma experts and leaders trained to defend Roma rights